How crate-free daycare works?

How crate-free daycare works?

How crate-free daycare works?

How crate-free daycare works?

How crate-free daycare works?
How crate-free daycare works?

How crate-free daycare works?

Dog crate-free daycare is where dog can be a dog. Your dog will appreciate you providing him/her such possibility. We welcome all dogs regardless of size, age or breed.

We simply assume your dog is healthy, microchipped, vaccinated, non-pregnant wand has no issues to be around other dogs. Once you arrive A dog arriving first time to our daycare goes through a trial day which is free of charge for the owner. In case your dog's social skills need more development we will suggest you great dog trainers we work together with in order to welcome your lovely dog in our care very soon.

Day care for dogs works quite similar to human child daycare - in the morning you get to know each other, play with each other and with the keeper, then it's meal time (for those for whom it is intended) and a quiet time during the day so that the dogs can get rid of their play anxiety and really rest. This is followed by a longer walk in groups of up to 1 hour and a shorter time in the garden in the morning and up to 2 hours in the afternoon, where different activities take place. Dogs are washed and dried before going home. 

Please bring along your dog's ID (passport, etc.) or vaccination certificate when arriving to our place for the first time.

Safety of dogs is our priority number 1 - all our team members have completed small animal first aid course and have knowledge of dog behavioural psyhology. This allows them to provide first aid in the event of accidents and avoid conflicts between dogs thatb could cause them injuries. However, in exceptional cases, sudden or unforeseen accidents may occure, in the course of which a dog or a person staying at the daycare or hotel may be injured. Pet Retail OÜ as daycare and hotel service provider has valid If Insurance liability insurance against accidents during the service provision, enabiling Pet Retail OÜ to participate in covering medical expenses and other expenses related to accident.  

Dog owner can follow the activity of his/her dog, daycare center and hotel in general online during the day.

Based on Finnish experience, the dog spends an average of 2-3 times a week in daycare, which we also recommend.

An owner whose dog regularly attends our crate-free day care center will soon notice that the dog's behavior becomes more confident. Also more understandable for the owner, because we also organize mini-training sessions for dog owners in the daycare premises and give feedback on the dog's development. It may happen that, according to the owner, the dog started to develop in an incomprehensible direction after going to the day care, because the dog is learning skills that the family is not used to. Then we help dogs and owners to adapt to the changed situation together with our partner dog trainers. Dogs from the age of 6 months are welcome at the daycare, because until this age the puppy needs a routine and support from its mother for healthy development, which we cannot provide in a daycare.

If a dog is not ready yet to join our daycare service we reimburse 100% all payments made for the service.

We can take up to 25 dogs to the daycare center and up to 10 dogs to the hotel overnight.

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